Wednesday, May 12, 2010

VeniSompura - Severely hit by Floods

Venisompuram is a small village that cannot make use of all the facilities, that are available to victims in Mantralayam. Although Venisompuram is only about 30 kms away from Mtlm, it cannot be reached easily since it is located on the other bank of the Tungabhadra river. We all know that the bridges have collapsed and hence it has become virtually impossible to reach out to the victims in V Sompura.- As can be seen from the wikimapia image in the following Picasa album: Venisompuram is indeed a remote village & the basic facilities are not available round the clock. Due to the floods, families which carry out the Pujas on a rotation basis (yearly), have been severely affected. I hope the pictures in the Picasa album speak for themselves, how devastating it has been.

Facts @ VeniSompura as of April 10

We visited Venisompura in the last week of March 2010 and here are the facts as we saw there
There seem to be 5 paryayasta families taking care of rituals at Venisompura. Out of the 5 houses, 4 are seen completely demolished, except for Gundacharya's house.
Flood water was upto garudagmaba and water prevailed for 24 hours.
The temple compound, narasimha devara gudi, Bhojana Shale was affected the most. Sri Gundacharya is taking care of renovation of NarasimhaDevara Gudi
Bhojana shale looks to be on top priority currently with Aradhane due in shravana masa ( 3 months from now)
They welcomed the idea to built 4 rooms within the temple premises for guests. Each room should cost about 1.2 L for a 10*10 room with concrete top . The places were to build these rooms were also identified.
Take a look at these snaps , view them on slide show to see the description against each photo.

Vamshavali of IG Srigalu


In Summary, I personally felt we could help them build the bhojana Shale and 4 guest rooms. The total estimate should be around 7.5 to 8 Lakhs. If we could get more money , we could help any of the deserving poor paryayastaru financially to reconstruct their houses. Till date, as per Ramamurthyachar, they received around 9k as parihara dhana from Govt and nothing else.

Mode of Operation

Organization MadhvaYuvaParishat may coordinate work with other organizations doing relief work in the area such as RSS, VHP, various maThas etc. This work will be independent of the work done by Govt. Efforts will be coordinated with various groups to avoid any duplication. Monthly Audit reports/photographs will be provided to track and monitor the work. There will be low overhead administrative expenses of 2% of the overall cost of the project. Every effort will be made to keep the overheads as low as possible so that all the aid reaches the people in need.